Thursday, 17 December 2015

Flashback: My First Pregnancy

Here’s the thing about re-starting blogging. I kinda have bucketloads of ideas to write about and feel like filling in the gaps on all those memories of yesteryears which have not been captured. My flashback moment today’s on my pregnancy. Whilst I was pregnant and completely free of work as I was placed on long medical leave by my Dr, I actually started a blog. Then when I got back to the daily grind of work post maternity leave, I got distracted and ended up not writing for many, many moons, hence I gave that blog up.

Now that I’ve rekindled my blogging interest, I suddenly have the need to fill this blog out with my pregnancy memories. Luckily, I’ve got notes from my diary, which I can sort of populate here.

First trimester:
So just about a week before I found out I was pregnant, I was actually pigging out, like seriously pigging out. I ate loads of food, carbs even, I mean I could finish a whole plate of rice when I’d normally eat half and even ate a three-tiered meat burger all to myself when I normally despise meaty food. That was probably one strong indication to most that something was quite different. Haha.

Then, I got really, really sick (probably from the pig-out) with the flu and whatever else and after about two weeks of missing my period, I decided to do the pee-test and whoa! I was pregnant! I was ecstatic, after all these years of trying and miscarriages etc.

I went about my first trimester perfectly strong and fine. No nausea, no issues with food etc. I was thinking that I was all set for this pregnancy, on to becoming super mummy.

Second trimester:
Then, second trimester happened. I got really, really sick. I kept on having repeated asthma attacks and was basically completely short of breath almost all the time that my Dr. had me placed on a complete medical leave till delivery. I kept on going in and out of hospital and was basically doing all I can to remain healthy and strong for my baby and myself.

I get worried sick each time I have an attack and feared I’d lose the baby. Alhamdulilah, things worked out in my favour and with all the rest I was getting and the yummy food I was eating and awesome medical care by my Drs, I was able to retain the pregnancy.

Every time we had an ultrasound was a magical moment for me. It was awesome to see little bub growing so healthily inside me and hearing that fast heartbeat each time. Truly a moment in time I never ever wish to forget.

Third trimester:
Ah I thought second trimester was challenging. Third was worse for me as not only was I having trouble breathing, I was getting extremely heavy by the day and was really, really exhausted. Bottomline, by my 8th month, I really couldn’t wait to deliver the baby.

Then at 35 weeks, I started contracting. Went into the hospital convinced I was gonna go into delivery, but turned out baby wasn’t ready to come out yet. The same routine happened every week until finally on Raya Eve, I went in again with full contractions but was unfortunately not dilated enough. Due to the constant contractions, Dr Mei basically said this baby’s coming out whichever way, but it’ll be out by morning.
And so, on Aidilfitri 2014, 28 July 2014, my first-born, my baby boy, Harry, was born at 8.30 am through a Caesarean operation. Alhamdulilah.

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