Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Learning fast

Harry is only 16 months old and already he’s acting all “grown up”, refusing to eat food specially made and blended for him and wanting to eat what we’re all eating. He goes “food, food” whenever we sit at the dining table and points fervently to the food item and says “oto, oto”. Ahh, why you wanna grow up so fast, darling? Guess blended food just doesn’t cut it anymore for him. He would look so intently at us that we’d feel so guilty not indulging him in a little piece of whatever we’re having, provided that it’s still generally okay for a toddler his age to digest.

At 16 months, he’s learning fast. Catching on to everything we all say and do. It’s amazing how we’d say one thing today and the next day, he’s uttering it. Sometimes to our horror and dismay when he repeats things that we must have accidentally uttered in his presence. Its amazing and shocking at the same time.

He’s also becoming more and more demanding each day, demanding for the iPad or phone to scroll through his nursery rhymes. He seems to like the scrolling action more than the actual watching bit, which annoys all of us, but sometimes it helps to indulge him to have a little quiet moment for us. I tried very hard not to be an iPad mama, but unfortunately, technology won me over and lil Harry was exposed to it even before I could stop the damage, hence the damage is done. Sigh. I figure since he’s watching primarily rhymes and learning stuff, it should be okay since that’s how all kids are learning these days anyway.

16 months and already he’s a charmer. Oh, how I love coming home to him everyday and seeing him run all the way to me to give me a hug just melts me to the core. At times like these I wished I was a stay at home mama and can see every lil interesting thing that he does instead of just hearing it from my parents and Nanny.

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